Article co-authored by Dr. Andres Lasagni makes the cover of Advanced Engineering Materials
An article titled "Micro/Nano Fabrication of Periodic
Hierarchical Structures by Multi-Pulsed Laser
Interference Structuring" by A. Lasagni, A. Monzoni,
and F. Mucklich has been selected for the cover of
the October 2007 issue of Advanced Engineering
Materials. The laser
interference metallurgy technique presented in
this paper allows the creation of periodic
patterns of features with a well defined
long-range order on metallic surfaces. The cover
figure shows periodic hierarchical structures
resulting from the combination of interfering
laser beams, and laser-induced periodical surface
structure (LIPSS) fabricated on an Al layer over
Visiting Scientist Dr. Andres Lasagni receives the 2007 Fritz-Grasenick Prize
Dr. Andres Lasagni of the Georgia Institute of
Technology and Dr. Fernando Lasagni of the Vienna
University of Technology were awarded the 2007
Fritz-Grasenick Prize from the
Austrian Society of Electron Microscopy for
their contribution in the field of
3D-characterization of Al-alloys by Focused Ion
Beam Tomography. The prize is given by the
society in an annual competition for the best
publication in the field of electron microscopy
in the last three years. The Lasagni brothers
received the award for their publication "Three
Dimensional Characterization of Unmodified and
Sr-Modified Al-Si Eutectics by FIB and FIB EDX
Tomography" published in the August 2006 issue
of Advanced Engineering Materials. The
prize was awarded during a ceremony at the
Vienna University of Technology on November 23,
Professor Das joins Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering
Professor Suman Das has joined the Woodruff School of
Mechanical Engineering as an Associate Professor with
tenure. Prior to joining Georgia Tech, he was a
tenured Associate Professor (2006-2007) and an
Assistant Professor (2000-2006) of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Michigan Ann Arbor.
Professor Das wins a grant in the 2007 DURIP competition
Professor Suman Das has won a $208K grant in the
Department of Defense 2007 Dual Use Research and
Instrumentation Program (DURIP) for a proposal titled
"Parallel Direct Freeform Laser Manufacturing". This
grant will support the acquisition of a high power
femtosecond laser system to augment the development
of a tesbed for massively parallel near-field optical
direct-write nanomanufacturing.
Team led by Professor Das wins a 4 year grant from DARPA
A university-industry team led by Professor Suman Das
has won a four year $6.25 million grant from DARPA
for their proposal titled "Direct Digital
Manufacturing of Airfoils" submitted in response to
BAA 06-34 "Disruptive Manufacturing Technologies". In
addition to Professor Das who will serve as the
Principal Investigator, the team involves Professor
John Halloran from the University of Michigan,
Professor Kanti Jain from the University of Illinois,
Dr. Daniel Wright from Anvik Corporation, and Mr. Wil
Baker from Honeywell Corporation.
Professor Das wins a 3 year grant from Naval Research Laboratory
Professor Suman Das has won a three year $592K grant
from the Naval Research Laboratory for a proposal
titled "Direct Digital Laser Manufacturing of Nickel
Superalloy Single Crystal Components" submitted in
response to ONR BAA 06-28 titled "Disruptive
Technologies for Direct Digital Manufacturing"