Georgia Tech startup DDM Systems announces availability of commercial LAMP systems

Georgia Tech startup DDM Systems, Inc. today announced the availability of its first line of LAMP commercial systems in Q2 2015. The system will feature a reconfigurable build volume allowing small-lot prototyping (10 inches x 10 inches x 12 inches) to production (24 inches x 24 inches x 24 inches). The system will include all material preparation, handling and post-processing sub-systems.  DDM will also supply its proprietary software suite for digital build data preparation and design rule verification. Systems will be supplied with an initial set of ceramic material formulations optimized for the production of high quality industrial parts.
For more information on the system, see DDM's video on LAMP here:


DDM Lab Director Suman Das to deliver keynote at United Technologies Additive Manufacturing Conference

Dr. Suman Das, Professor and Director of the Direct Digital Manufacturing Lab, and DDM Systems' Founder and CEO will present a keynote at the 2nd Annual UTC Additive Manufacturing Conference in Hartford, CT on September 22, 2014. More information on the conference is available at:

Das group publishes two new papers on additive manufacturing of single-crystal superalloys

The Das group recently published a pair of papers in Metallurgical Transactions B on laser additive manufacturing of single-crystal nickel superalloys through Scanning Laser Epitaxy (SLE).

Ranadip Acharya, Rohan Bansal, Justin Gambone and Suman Das, A microstructure evolution model for the processing of single-crystal alloy CMSX-4 through scanning laser epitaxy for turbine engine hot-section component repair (part II), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2014 (accepted).

Ranadip Acharya, Rohan Bansal, Justin Gambone and Suman Das, A coupled thermal, fluid flow and solidification model for the processing of single-crystal alloy CMSX-4 through scanning laser epitaxy for turbine engine hot-section component repair (part I), Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2014 (in press) http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11663-014-0117-9.

New paper on nanostructured GaN-based LEDs with improved light emission published on APL

Dr. Das' group collaborated with the group of Dr. Russell Dupuis to publish a paper on periodic patterning of GaN-based LEDs in Applied Physics Letters

Jeomoh Kim, Mi-Hee Ji, Dajun Yuan, Rui Guo, Jianping Liu, Mojtaba Asadirad, Theeradetch Detchprohm, Min-Ki Kwon, Russell D. Dupuis, Suman Das, and Jae-Hyun Ryou,
Direct periodic patterning of GaN-based light-emitting diodes by three-beam interference laser ablation, Applied Physics Letters, 104, 141105, 2014, http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/104/14/10.1063/1.4871089.

New paper on period gold nanostructures published in APL

Dr. Das group published a paper on periodic patterning of gold nanostructures through laser interference patterning in Applied Physics Letters

Ranadip Acharya, Dajun Yuan and Suman Das, Fabrication of gold nanostructures through pulsed laser interference patterning, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 223010, 2014, http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/103/22/10.1063/1.4833548.